Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Personal Narratives and Cultural Factors

1)     I have found the personal narratives and single stories the most interesting topics so far. The personal narratives were fun to read and write. I liked reading all the different stories of people in the book "The Oxford Project". It was very interesting to read about the lives of other people. They told stories about life lessons they have learned, some entertaining and others sad, and really good stories. It was probably the first time any of the people in the book told their stories. The stories in "The Oxford Project" are also single stories. The stories only get the points of view of the person they are about. Of course, that is the most important point of view, but there are many other sides to that persons story. Their friend might see a particular event as insightful rather than a complete loss. I liked writing my personal narrative too. It felt good to get some of the things that I have never told anyone out and on paper. It allow me to reminisce about good and bad parts of my life. I thought that the personal narratives and single stories were the most fun topics this year.

2)     The cultural factor that has had the most affect on me is social class. My family is in the middle class, and that has shaped the person I am. It has made me a saver, not a spender. I have to work hard in order to go to college because I know that my parents won't pay for my college career if I get bad grades. Rich people feel entitled to go to college no matter how hard they work. Poorer people have to work a lot harder than richer people if they want to go to college. In the world, more money equals more opportunity, and less money equals more work. I believe the least influential cultural factor is political views. I don't care about elections or important economic decisions. I don't care what direction our country goes in, there are other people that do and they will keep us going in the right direction. I hope. I don't have political views, and that is why I believe that it is the least influential cultural factor.

3)     The article "15 ways rich people think differently" by Steve Siebold also talks about rich people getting opportunities. " Rich people maintain a logical relationship with money viewing it as a tool that represents options and opportunities"(Siebold 1). Everyone knows that more money means you get more opportunities, whether that be in schooling, music, athletics, etc. "Average people focus on saving and miss big opportunities by trying to live frugally"(Siebold 1). This is a perfect example. Middle class families teach their kids to be savers because that is the only life they know. The middle class doesn't know that to make money you have to spend money, and the rich do. The rich are taught that from a young age. "Rich people teach their children from an early age about the world of haves and have nots"(Siebold 1). Kids from rich families get knowledge that poorer kids don't. Rich kids get more opportunities and are taught by their rich parents how to become rich. Social class has a very big impact on the peoples lives.

Link to "15 ways rich people think differently":